Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Morning "Wake n' Bake"

Saturday morning "Wake n' Bake" on the Mother Ship JDX1029! Two full hours of commercial free baking music to help you get all those Christmas cookies prepared.
"Wake n' Bake" starts at 0900 Hrs. CST and is hosted by the Animal.

Friday, December 21, 2012

End of the World "Freaky Friday Animal House"

It's the end of the world as we know it and "We" feel fine! If the Mayans were correct, we are all going to die today. Might as well go out havin' a little fun. 

Join us on the Mother Ship JDX1029 for a "Freaky Friday Animal House" with Peter Christian and the Animal. Christian will be underway at 1300 Hrs. CST, & The Animal follows at 1700 Hrs. CST. Fridays always kick ass on the Mother Ship JDX1029. Prepare your self for a great afternoon and evening of commerical free Rock and Roll!  

Have a great day you never know it might be "our" last!